14 Year old boy’s simple idea that could save US government $400 million dollar

Suvir Mirchandani, a 14 year-old student claims that he have found a way of saving the US government some $400 million dollars simply by changing the font they use for official documents from Time New Roman to Garamond font, he said that it would use 24 percent less ink because compared to Time New Roman, Garamond font’s character is lighter and thinner.

He started his study as a science fair project at his school - Dorseyville Middle School. He was looking for a way to integrate computer science to promote environmental sustainability. His idea began when he worked out how much his school could save in ink after watching multiple leaflets be handed out. 

"Ink is two times more expensive than French perfume by volume,"

He then printed four different types of fonts on cardstock paper and graphed the ink usage. He discovered that Garamond, with its thinner strokes, his school district could reduce ink consumption by 24%, saving up to $21,000 annually.

He then extended the study to all of government levels and concluded that just using Garamond the US government can save $400 million us dollars annually.

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